Good and Faithful Servant

Warren Currie (Habitat Homeowner), Mr. Michael & I at the Dedication of the Michael G. Salley, Jr., Park.

My first encounter with Michael G. Salley, Jr. a/k/a Mr. Michael was nearly 30 years ago and long before I accepted the position as Executive Director of Edisto Habitat for Humanity in 2001, where I served alongside him for the next 18 years. 

My first impression of Mr. Michael 30 years ago, was, in fact, accurate and remains the same thought I have of him each time he crosses my mind, and that is a good and faithful servant of the Lord.  

Mr. Michael passed away quietly in his sleep a few days ago.  I know without a shadow of a doubt when he saw the face of our Lord and Savior, he was greeted with the words we all long to hear from Mathew 25:23, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”

Mr. Michael was one of the original founding members of Edisto Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit Christian housing ministry that seeks to eliminate poverty housing in the Orangeburg, SC area. Since the affiliate’s inception in 1991, his dream of seeing low-income families in the Orangeburg community have a better way of life through decent and affordable housing has come true nearly 100 times now.  That’s right, nearly 100 families have had their lives impacted and changed forever because of this kind man’s dream and thousands of hours of selfless giving of his time.

When I first took the position as Executive Director, I quickly realized how vital Mr. Michael was to the ministry.  He did the work of an entire team of volunteers.  He ordered all of the building supplies, he lined up the volunteers, he found subcontractors for the work volunteers could not perform,  he delivered all supplies to the site, he lined up lunches for the volunteers, and the list goes on and on.  Even with all of this responsibility, he always took time to spend with the families we were serving.  

I recall one particular Saturday we had a very large volunteer group on the worksite and at his direction, everyone was busy moving ladders about, hammering, and having a wonderful time.  It was truly the buzz of a construction site that always made my heart flutter a bit and still does.  Suddenly, I realized the worksite had fallen quiet.  Being a bit task-driven and wondering why everyone was just standing around, I began walking around to investigate what could possibly be holding up our progress.  What I found brought tears to my eyes.  Mr. Michael down on the ground with a small child (soon to be the recipient of this home) teaching her how to plant a tree in her very own front yard.  At that moment, nothing else mattered to him including the large number of volunteers standing around waiting on his instruction.  This is how he led, by example.  Through the years, he taught me to slow down and take time for people, resting in the fact that the house would get built in its own time.  I was blessed dearly by this lesson, my time at Edisto Habitat for Humanity,  and by Mr. Michael. 

Dr. Jo Wood and Mr. Michael enjoying a day of cooking and fun at an Edisto Habitat for Humanity fundraiser

In 2016, Dr. Jo Wood authored a book entitled “Working for the Carpenter”.  Mr. Michael is on the front cover wearing a t-shirt that says “Just Build It”.  The book covers the 25-year history of Edisto Habitat for Humanity from 1991-2016.  In the acknowledgments, Dr. Wood wrote the following:

This book is not just about a 25-year history for an organization.  It is also about how the Holy Spirit moved people to help one another.  We see the Holy Spirit’s presence in many ways: through Scripture; our spiritual gifts; the work of the church; and, our life circumstances.  The Holy Spirit tells believers’ hearts about the truth of Jesus Christ and we, who have received the Holy Spirit, tell others through our actions and words.  That is the essence of Habitat.”

Dr. Wood is spot on and I think she would wholeheartedly agree with me that not only are those qualities the essence of Habitat for Humanity, but without a shadow of a doubt, those qualities were the essence of who Michael G. Salley, Jr., was.

 1 John 3:18 tells us, “Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.”   I believe I’m not only speaking for myself, but for every single person, Mr. Michael encountered in his ministry at Edisto Habitat for Humanity, that he exuded this truth and we are all a better people because of the impact he had on each of our lives through the years.

Rest easy my sweet friend and good and faithful servant. 

You will not be forgotten by those you served and led here on this earth.  Your impact will last for many generations to come.